Join me. Be an Acupuncturist for The Bravest Littles

Children diagnosed with life limiting illnesses, or who are approaching the end of their life are, The Bravest Littles. They have a wide range of symptoms, both physical and mental/emotional. When treated with Chinese Medicine the quality of life for these brave children is greatly improved. There are very few practitioners currently treating this patient population and it's so important that we not ignore this great need. This training on Acupuncture for Pediatric Palliative Care will give practitioners the tools they need to confidently provide treatment to children receiving palliative or hospice care. This course is approved for 9 NCCAOM Distance Learning Credits.
heading for this course

Let me tell you all about it...

Course Details

What The Bravest Families have to say

Acupuncture Heals

A Magical Touch

A Brave Dad

"It is like a magical touch; it relieves not only physical pain but also emotional pain. It makes all the fatigue disappear and it brings peaceful moments."

Integral Part of Treatment

A Brave Mom

"His anxiety and pain levels have improved dramatically as a result of the acupuncture treatments that you have provided. It has been and continues to be an integral part of his treatment."

I wish...

A Bravest Little

"I wish I could get acupuncture every day!"

Be informed. Be Prepared. Be confident.

By the end of the training you will:

  • Understand Palliative Care and Hospice

    Where do acupuncturists fit in the world of Palliative Care and Hospice? There are a lot of ins and outs when working with these groups.

  • Know What To Expect & How To Respond

    The Bravest Littles are a very special group. When working with them and their families you will encounter situations you've never encountered before.

  • Learn Treatment Strategies

    Whether we use acupuncture, acupressure, sho ni shin, essential oils etc., there is a lot to take into consideration. ​

Here's The Plan

This course is 5 weeks long and at the end of 5 weeks students will ~Understand Palliative Care & Hospice ~Know What To Expect & How to Respond ~Learn Chinese Medicine Treatment Strategies

  • Week 1 - Intro to Palliative Care & Hospice. What it means to be a provider for The Bravest Littles

  • Week 2 - The Who, What, When, Where, and Why of Pediatric Palliative Care

  • Week 3 & 4 - Treatment strategies and modalities

  • Week 5 - Now that you have confidence in working with The Bravest Littles, what's next?

Meet Your Instructor

Pediatric Palliative Care Acupuncture Expert

Risi Idiokitas

Hi, I'm Dr. Risi, a pediatric acupuncturist specializing in palliative care for children. Over the years, I have dedicated my career to enhancing the quality of life for children facing life-limiting illnesses through Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). These children, who I affectionately call "The Bravest Littles," have shown me the true meaning of strength and perseverance. My journey began at Children’s Hospital, where I quickly discovered the profound impact of acupuncture and acupressure on these young patients. Inspired by the results, I developed this course to share my expertise with practitioners like you, so together we can ensure that every child in hospice care has access to these invaluable techniques. I’m passionate about teaching healthcare providers—both acupuncturists and non-acupuncturists—how to use acupressure effectively within pediatric palliative care. Join me in making a meaningful difference in the lives of these incredible children, who I lovingly refer to as "The Bravest Littles."


  • How long do I have to complete the course?

    You have one year from date of enrollment to be considered for CEUs though you will always have access to the course content.

  • What is the time commitment for this course?

    Each week is no more than 2 hours.

  • Does this course include CEUs?

    Yes, this course is approved for 9 NCCAOM distance learning CEUs

  • How is the material presented?

    Each week will include prerecorded video, suggested reading, and course worksheets.

  • Who can take this course?

    This course is intended for licensed acupuncturist or acupuncture students.

  • Who should I contact if I have questions?

    If you have further questions or need additional information please feel free to message me at [email protected]

  • What is the cost of the course?

    $269, a very auspicious number

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